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Comic Book School Creator Connections: Panel Two Released

2021 October 9

Comic Book School Releases Second Anthology

Buddy Scalera's Comic Book School has released a follow up to its 3-time Award-Winning anthology "Creator Connections: Panel One" aptly titled "Panel Two". Again clocking in at 144 pages, this second round from CBS has 30+ creators following the theme of "The Time Inn" with stories both in comic format and illustrated fiction totaling eighteen stories.

Tales Beyond writer/editor Kris Burgos was brought in as managing editor on "Panel Two" after supplying two stories for the previous book. Not content to sit on the sidelines, he teamed up with Filipino artist Roi to bring the comic short "The Corrupted" to life. And in a career first, Burgos also dove into his first prose piece (flash fiction), tapping Argentine talent Jok to illustrate, in the story "Frozen Carnage".

The Corrupted is an old Intellectual Property resurrected by Burgos which will continue to see updates at Tales Beyond hopefully next year. Frozen Carnage is the first tale in the world of CF-1, a property graciously borrowed from creator/filmmaker Fred Burgos. CF-1 will also be seeing more updates, starting within the pages of Tales Beyond #1, which is planned for release in March 2022.

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