'Ward the Veil' scares up its creative team

2022 March 30
'Ward the Veil' creative team announced
As the inaugural story of the Comic Book School's new imprint B-Line Comics, being done in partnership with Tales Beyond, Ward the Veil's first issue will be packing a powerhouse creative team. Being helmed by Tales writer/editor Kris Burgos, the story is a horror ghost mystery brought to life with pencils by Jarrod Elvin (Meatbucket MegaBabes). Inks will be completed by Matthew Seaborne and coloring duties will be performed by CBS's very own D Alley.
To see previous work and follow on social media each of the members of the creative team:
Jarrod Elvin (pencils)
Website: https://www.mick-macks.com/index.html
Instagram: @jarrodelvin
Twitter: @elvinjarrod
Facebook: @mickmacksjarrod
Matthew Seaborne (inks)
Website: https://seaborne_inks.artstation.com/
Instagram: @seaborne_inks
Twitter: @seaborne_inks
Facebook: @seaborneinks
D Alley (colors)
Website: http://redheadeded.com
Instagram: @r3dh3ad3d3d
Twitter: @Redheadeded
Kris Burgos (writing/lettering)
Website: http://TalesBeyond.com
Instagram: @kris.burgos
Twitter: @jiggykb
Facebook: @talesbeyond